Stat failed because No such file or directory. The-Shining-Force:~ edwardnguyen$ /Volumes/Dolphin/ exit Ģ9:49:941 Source/Core/Common/Src/FileUtil.cpp:100 W: IsDirectory: stat failed on /Users/edwardnguyen/Library/Application Support/Dolphin/Wii/title/00000001/00000002/content/: No such file or directoryĢ9:49:971 Source/Core/Common/Src/FileUtil.cpp:100 W: IsDirectory: stat failed on /Users/edwardnguyen/Library/Application Support/Dolphin/Wii/title/00000001/00000002/content/: No such file or directory Volumes/Dolphin/ exit Last login: Wed Feb 29 11:42:35 on console
Brand new macbook everything is fine 2011. Whenever i open Dolphin it just stops responding, freezes, and i cant click on any of the icons or option to change anything at all.